Key Man Life Insurance
Key Man Life Insurance is necessary because the death of a key person in a small company can cause the immediate death of that company. The purpose of key person insurance is to help the company survive the blow of losing the person who makes the business work. You may use our quoting tool to check rates, or call us today. 877-501-2310
This website is operated by Florida Life and Health Exchange, LLC and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace website. In offering this website, Florida Life and Health Exchange, LLC is required to comply with all applicable federal laws, including the standards established under 45 CFR 155.220(c) and (d) and standards established under 45 CFR 155.260 to protect the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. This website may not display all data on Qualified Health Plans being offered in your state through the Health Insurance Marketplace website. To see all available data on Qualified Health Plan options in your state, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace website at